Council Related Documents
Council Agendas and Journal of Proceedings2024
November 4th Journal of Proceedings
October 7th Journal of Proceedings
September 3rd Journal of Proceedings
August 6th Journal of Proceedings
July 1st Journal of Proceedings
June 3rd Journal of Proceedings
April 29th Committee of the Whole
April 15th Journal of Proceedings
March 11th Special Council Meeting
March 4th Journal of Proceedings
February 5th Journal of Proceedings
January 2nd Journal of Proceedings
December 18th Journal of Proceedings
November 6th Journal of Proceedings
October 16th Journal of Proceedings
September 18th Journal of Proceedings
September 6th Journal of Proceedings
August 7th Journal of Proceedings
July 17th Journal of Proceedings
June 5th Journal of Proceedings
May 1st Journal of Proceedings
April 3rd Journal of Proceedings
March 6th Journal of Proceedings
February 21st Journal of Proceedings
February 6th Journal of Proceedings
January 3rd Journal of Proceedings
November 7th Journal of Proceedings
October 3rd Journal of Proceedings
October 17th Journal of Proceedings
September 6th Journal of Proceedings
August 1st Journal of Proceedings
July 11th Journal of Proceedings
July 18th Journal of Proceedings
June 27th Journal of Proceedings
June 6th Journal of Proceedings
June 13th Journal of Proceedings
May 2nd Journal of Proceedings
April 4th Journal of Proceedings
March 7th Journal of Proceedings
Feburary 7th Journal of Proceedings
January 3rd Journal of Proceedings
January 18th Committee Meeting of the Whole
December 20th Meeting of the Whole
December 6th Journal of Proceedings
November 15th Journal of Proceedings
October 12th Journal of Proceedings
September 7th Journal of Proceedings
August 16th Journal of Proceedings
July 6th Journal of Proceedings
June 7th Journal of Proceedings
May 3rd Journal of Proceedings
May 17th Journal of Proceedings
December 9th Council Agenda
November 18th Council Agenda
October 7th Council Agenda
October 21st Journal of Proceedings
September 16th Council Agenda
July 15th Council Agenda
June 17th Journal of Proceedings
May 6th Journal of Proceedings
May 20th Council Agenda
April 1st Council Agenda
March 4th Council Agenda
March 18th Journal of Proceedings
February 19th Journal of Proceedings
January 7th Journal of Proceedings
January 22nd Council Agenda
December 3rd Journal of Proceedings
December 3rd Committee of the Whole
December 17th Journal of Proceedings
November 26th Council Agenda
November 26th Committee of the Whole
October 1st Journal of Proceedings
October 15th Council Agenda
September 4th Journal of Proceedings
September 17th Committee of the Whole
September 17th Journal of Proceedings
August 20th Journal of Proceedings
August 6th Council Agenda
July 16th Special Council Hearing
July 16th Journal of Proceedings
June 4th Journal of Proceedings
June 18th Journal of Proceedings
April 2nd Journal of Proceedings
April 16th Journal of Proceedings
April 30th Journal of Proceedings
March 5th Journal of Proceedings
March 19th Council Agenda
February 5th Journal of Proceedings
February 20th Journal of Proceedings
2018 Village Officer’s Handbook
January 8th Journal of Proceedings
January 22nd Council Agenda
January 22nd Journal of Proceedings
December 4th Journal of Proceedings
December 4th Council Agenda
December 18th Council Agenda
December 18th Journal of Proceedings
November 20th Journal of Proceedings
November 20th Council Agenda
October 16th Journal of Proceedings
October 30th Journal of Proceedings
October 30th Council Agenda
September 18th Journal of Proceedings
September 18th Council Agenda
August 7th Journal of Proceedings
August 21st Council Agenda
August 7th Council Agenda
July 17th Journal of Proceedings
July 17th Council Agenda
June 19th Council Agenda
June 29th Special Council Meeting Agenda
June 5th Journal of Proceedings
June 5th Council Agenda
May 1st Council Agenda
April 17th Journal of Proceedings
April 3rd Journal of Proceedings
April 3rd Council Agenda
March 6th Journal of Proceedings
March 6th Council Agenda
March 6th Journal of Proceedings
March 20th Council Agenda
March 6th Council Agenda
February 21st Journal of Proceedings
February 6th Journal of Proceedings
2017 Village Council Committees/Assignments
2023: Ordinance-O-2023-12
2023: Ordinance O-2023-9
2023: Ordinance O-2023-8
2023: Ordinance O-2023-3
2023: Ordinance O-2023-2
2023: Ordinance O-2023-1
2019: Ordinance 2019-6
2019: Ordinance 2019-5
2019: Ordinance 2019-4
2019: Ordinance 2019-3
2018: Ordinance 2018-2
2018: Ordinance 2018-11
2018: Ordinance 2018-15
2020: R-2020-1 Rules of Council
2019: Resolution 2019-1
2019: Resolution 2019-5
2019: Resolution 2019-6
2019: Resolution 2019-9
2018: Resolution 2018-1
2018: Resolution 2018-3
2018: Resolution 2018-10
2018: Resolution 2018-4
2018: Resolution 2018-13
2018: Resolution 2018-16
2018: Resolution 2018-12
2018: Resolution 2018-9
2018: Resolution 2018-1
2018: Resolution 2018-2
2017: Resolution 2017-3
2017: Resolution 2017-4
2017: Resolution 2017-5
2017: Resolution 2017-7
2017: Resolution 2017-3
2017: Resolution 2017-4
2017: Resolution 2017-5
2017: Resolution 2017-7
2016: Resolution 2016-1
Public Information
Rate Study 2017 by UFS
Public Records & Village History
Planning Commission
Amp Related Information